Luigi Mangione: The Media Will Convict Him with Bad Press
Remember, the Police are allowed to lie to you to get you to confess
UPDATE 12-23-2024 9:38 AM: ABC has released a show about Luigi Mangione. I recommend NOT watching it but have it here because I’m in disbelief that they produced and distributed this so fast. For me, it means that they are pushing propaganda to indict Luigi and protect the system of profit over people’s lives. If you do watch it, remember that ABC has no access to evidence and anything they report as evidence should be taken for a grain of salt, especially the alleged “manifesto” that the police have said is a confession. There were several manifestos released online but it’s certainly possible that Luigi didn’t even have one or write one. It’s also possible the police wrote their own and attribute it to Luigi as a way of garnering public support for a conviction, and to get Luigi to plea. Apparently, the police said that Luigi’s mother told them that she could see him committing this crime; I find it almost impossible to believe that his Italian mother said that, seriously? I have to see her say that under oath to believe it.
I think it’s possible that Luigi will end up like Jeffrey Epstein, dead and made to look like a suicide to protect a system of criminal activity. The system does not want a trial, they want a plea, they want to make an example of him. The system may prevent a trial if Luigi does not cooperate with it. The Feds have a 96% success rate because everyone pleas - not because people are guilty.
I think the public should consider other reasonable possibilities, that Luigi did not kill Brian Thompson. For example, maybe he was in Altoona the whole time. Maybe someone who looked like him committed the crime. Maybe he had a bag of similar items as the real killer, simply by coincidence. Maybe he knows the real killer, maybe not. A trial may show us that the DNA does not match, that the police lied and the bullets and fingerprints do not match, that the backpack was not actually his or was sold or stolen and used by someone else in the crime. There’s plenty of room for reasonable doubt. I mean look at ended up happening with Kyle Rittenhouse who was on video shooting someone to death - it was self defense. You just never know!
UPDATE 12-20-2024 6:40 AM: I suspect that The NY DA will press hard for a plea because they will not want a trial. Unfortunately, I think Luigi’s attorney, Agnifilo is going to help the DA and encourage Luigi to plea. If he does not plea, the trial will probably not be televised, unfortunately, and Legacy Media will certainly provide biased coverage favoring the prosecution. Agnifilo is probably a great attorney, but I strongly believe that as an insider she is not the best person to represent Luigi. He needs someone like, Ann Bremner or Gloria Allred.
UPDATE 12-18-2024 7:00 AM: Karen Friedman Agnifilo will represent him in New York. According to CNN, Karen was a chief assistant district attorney in the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office under Cyrus Vance Jr.. CNN has already determined Luigi is guilty according to this article here. If you think otherwise, let me know, I just don’t see how any reasonable person could read this article and think it is not biased. CNN’s coverage of evidence is lacking. For example, they report what the police have said, “the 3-d printed gun matches the bullets found at the scene,” but there’s no other side of the story presented, for example, were matching bullets found on Mangione? How many types of ammunition can be used in the 3-d gun? What does “match” mean? Is this match scientific, or is it some rando detective who just said this? Are 3-d guns illegal? How many Americans have 3-d printed guns? Does the 3’d printed gun look even remotely similar to the gun seen on the video?
Karen Friedman was shown on CNN making statements that indicated she thinks Mangione is guilty and would probably need to use a “not guilty by reason of insanity” plea. Word of advice, don’t hire an attorney who went on national news calling you insane. Also, don’t hire an attorney who is a deep insider like Agnifilo. My feeling is that she will be more loyal to the system than to her client.
AP news reported that Mangione is charged with terrorism as prosecutors are alleging he, “intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population, influence the policies of a unit of government by intimidation or coercion and affect the conduct of a unit of government by murder, assassination or kidnapping.” This is very interesting considering how many right wing shooters have never been charged with terrorism after their assaults or attacks, even when they have manifestos.
The New York Times and other News outlets have made it very clear that they want Americans to feel outraged at the murder of a CEO, even though UHC allegedly, regularly and intentionally denies care for profit to humans resulting in pain, suffering and possibly death in some cases. This is after Daniel Penny was found not guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in the death of 30-year-old Jordan Neely on a New York City subway train last year. The mentally ill, indigent homeless man had been neglected by society for decades. Penny killed him using methods he learned while in the military. Trump and others have seemingly celebrated Penny killing Jordan Neely as a vigilante, but legacy Media seems to have been very neutral on their reporting in this case compared to Mangione’s alleged killing of Thompson.
In the 1990’s after Jon Benet Ramsey was found murdered, the Boulder Police Department staff believed the parents were responsible, lack of evidence notwithstanding.
According to sworn testimony of the Boulder lead detective, the Boulder PD worked with the FBI, to put pressure on the parents through the Media to confess to the murder. If you don’t find that shocking and wholly unacceptable, then maybe check your think a bit longer about what the means.
Together, the FBI and Boulder Police Department created pressure on Mr. & Mrs. Ramsey by leaking false stories to the press. Here is some of the false press that the public was exposed to as being the truth:*
The handwriting of Patsy matched that of the ransom note; it did not.
Mr. Ramsey flew in his “private jet” with Jon Benet’s body in it for burial in Florida; he did not own a private jet.
The DNA was a match; the DNA did not match Mr. or Mrs. Ramsey or their son, in fact, they could not find a match for it to this day.
There were no footprints in the snow leading up to the Ramsey’s home or window to the basement room where Jon Benet was found; there was no snow around the house at all.
The ransom amount was $118,000 which was the same as Mr. Ramsey’s recent bonus; this was a similar number but not the same, and apparently this information was in plain site on Mr. Ramsey’s desk.
One detective “felt” it was Mr. Ramsey who killed Jon Benet; she said that because he was casually going through the mail that morning, it meant he was a cold blooded killer. Mr. Ramsey was going through the mail looking for communication from the kidnappers.
Police detectives in America are woefully unqualified in most jurisdictions, aside from rampant corruption, but institutionalized ineptitude probably serves a greater function. The Boulder Police grossly mismanaged Jon Benet’s crime scene, and missed opportunities to test other suspects.
Apparently someone from the Boulder Police Department notified Mr. Ramsey that they believed he and Patsy were guilty of Jon Benet’s killing. After that, Mr. Ramsey hired an attorney. To be clear, once you hire an attorney, you’re not supposed to speak about the case to anyone other than your attorney, and your attorney will speak for you as needed. However, the Ramseys were punished for this. Law and Order had just been released in America in 1990, popularizing the phrase, “they lawyered up.”

It was also one of the first crime cases to be in the public spotlight. Complicating Jon Benet’s case was the family’s involvement in children’s beauty pageants which by common standards was seen as creepy in the best case scenario. However, today there are two or three unusually popular reality shows about the phenomenon, which are most popular in Florida, Alabama (of course), and Kentucky with national competitions held in LA, California. So, Patsy’s involvement in these Pageants, which date back to the 1920’s is not evidence of murder, but common and justifiable disdain for these pageants certainly made her suspicious. Also, in the US, other conspiracy theories were popular, such as Satanic Panic which started in the 80’s and lasted well into the 90’s, frequent allegations of child sex abuse rings at day care centers, like in the McMartin preschool case, and therapists planting false memories of sexual abuse.
The lack of respectable detective work, combined with the sex-obsessed and paranoid backdrop of the American psyche, the sensationalist witch trial of the Ramsey’s by Geraldo Rivera doomed solving the case before Jon Benet was even attacked. In other words, in a large number of situations, American society is structured to find innocent people guilty and guilty people innocent.

Is Luigi guilty? You don’t know - we don’t know, regardless of the press releases. I once had a client tell me that the federal government had a 96% success rate at convictions. This may be true, but that was only because they force people into pleading guilty for a lesser charge - they almost never go to trial to find the truth. Federal and State governments have all the power and resources, where individuals, regardless of our values and constitution, have none - aside from the occasional millionaire or billionaire who can afford to buy the “best and the brightest” team of lawyers.
The press has already been hard at work throwing out dots and connecting them:
“fingerprints” that match; they don’t, and fingerprints are not hard science, they are very subjective (read more here, experts cannot reproduce their own results).
Fingerprints were “found at the crime scene;” they were close by, but not there.
The gun matches the bullets; okay, but how many types of bullets can that gun use? How did they confirm the match? Ballistics is also not a hard science - not even close - read more here.
Fake manifestos seem to be appearing on the internet, but it’s not even clear if there is such a thing available. Also, what is a manifesto?
“He confessed to the crime,” he did not; he has plead “not guilty,” which is one of two available pleas to make when accused of being guilty.
Luigi doesn’t even look that much like the guy in the crime photos - that unibrow does not connect.
Luigi doesn’t stand much of a chance. The government, with the help of the media, will put enormous pressure on him to plead guilty of a lesser charge, and his lawyers, who have their own relationships with other lawyers and judges, may be biased in favor of plea deals as well. The prosecution may not be willing to plea, but they’d be taking a chance with a jury. However, a jury might feel pressure to convict Luigi, even if they have no sympathy for the dead CEO, most Americans believe in doing the right thing.
The prosecution has a moral authority behind it, so even if they lack the evidence, they make compelling emotionally charged arguments; they’ll make jurors feel like they’re committing a crime if they find him not guilty.

The best approach that the defense might take is to help the jury empathize with Luigi’s suffering, and witnessing the suffering of family members who were wrongfully denied claims and coverage. Everyday Americans are much more sympathetic to the plight of the underdog versus the impersonal neglectful company that Mr. Brian Thompson proudly represented. It’s sort of a David and Goliath story, and well, Luigi could certainly pass for David.
I don’t condone murder like Trump or other right wingers do on a daily to weekly basis. Republicans glorified and glamorized killer, Kyle Rittenhouse, for example. That was just sickening. I think that Mr. Thompson’s killing was a predictable consequence of the chronic misbehavior of United Healthcare Corporation. I think that the scope and severity of UHC’s claim denials has led to immense suffering and people feel angry and that anger has no where to go - politicians just don’t care on either side of the fence. UHC hides behind society’s bias against commission over omission, and society’s acceptance of the profit motive at all costs. Corporate America is as cold as ice. At least that’s how many Americans see them, and it’s their own doing.
I do believe in Medicare for All. Sure, let them sell private insurance, and let fools buy it, but I think the time has come for Medicare for All. And, I think that there Medicare and Medicaid need to be controlled by State and Federal governments, not by corporations. I also think that all hospitals should be nonprofit.
There are nonprofit health insurance companies, like Kaiser Permanente. These are probably better options than UHC.
Here is a list of ten nonprofit health insurance companies similar to Kaiser Permanente:
Blue Cross Blue Shield Association (BCBSA)
A federation of 33 independent and locally operated companies providing health insurance across the U.S.
Health Care Service Corporation (HCSC)
The largest customer-owned health insurer in the U.S., operating Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans in Illinois, Montana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas.
Group Health Cooperative
A member-governed nonprofit health care system based in Seattle, Washington, offering both health insurance and care services.
A nonprofit integrated health care provider and health insurance company located in Bloomington, Minnesota.
Geisinger Health Plan
A Pennsylvania-based nonprofit health maintenance organization (HMO) offering a variety of health insurance plans.
Harvard Pilgrim Health Care
A nonprofit health services company serving members in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, Connecticut, and beyond.
One of the nation's largest nonprofit health insurers, serving New York City and the tristate area.
Priority Health
A nonprofit health insurance company based in Michigan, offering a broad network of providers.
Community Health Choice
A local, nonprofit health plan offering affordable health insurance to Texans.
Inland Empire Health Plan (IEHP)
A nonprofit health plan serving residents of California's Riverside and San Bernardino counties.
*Netflix Documentary: Cold Case, Who Killed Jon Benet Ramsey, 2024.